Ilyas Aasir

Au Ra Raen | He/Him | Around 22(ARR) - 26 (Dawntrail)
Turalí-Doman | 1.95cm | Sellsword | Warrior of Light |
Job: Primal Brawler ( Warrior | Viper | Machinist | Summoner )Ilyas [short description pending]
** this carrd is a WIP

Ilyas Aasir

Ilyas Aasir, better known as a Scion of the Seventh Dawn and Warrior of Light, is a young Raen of both Doman and Turalí descent.Separated at a young age from his family, Ilyas found himself on a sketchy merchant ship inbound for the faraway Eorzea. Even at 10 years of age, he already knew he had to flee the merchants if he was to avoid a cruel life, and so he did. But Thanalan’s deserts weren’t kind to him either, after a few days of traversing through them, the young AuRi saw himself on the brink of death. Were it not for an Amalj'aa caravan coming across him he most likely would’ve died.
Ilyas lived among them until he no longer could. For the tribe, weakened by their thin numbers, had no other choice but to join a larger tribe. One that would not bear Ilyas’s presence. At 17 years of age Ilyas found himself separated from his family once more.

Turning to the streets of Ul’dah, Ilyas found a few odd jobs before landing on mistress Momodis’s grace. Now turned into an adventurer, Ilyas gained a bit of a comfortable life. A shame it would be cut short by the Seventh Umbral Calamity.
During the calamity’s eve, Ilyas became reunited with his father, who had been looking for him all these years. Despite Ilyas’s dad begging his son to forget about Eorzea and return home with him, Ilyas found himself sinking into dark regret for thinking his parents willfully send him away. And in a spur of the moment, in the shame of his own hate, Ilyas refused.
Now unwilling to let all of the years apart be meaningless, and in an attempt to atone for his ungranted hate, Ilyas asked his father to return home, and departed for the Battle of Carteneau. Maybe through battle, the only thing he had learned to do right, he might wash away all regret, and return home proven a good and worthy man.
When Ilyas finally woke up, he was among the injured and refugees in the outskirts of Ul’dah, knowing he had failed his only goal and recognizing his naivete, Ilyas hoped he might still catch his father before returning home. And so Ilyas seeked ferry to Limsa Lominsa, unaware of both the time that had passed or the fate that awaited him in the maritime city…

AZEM (PHANTASOS):A stalking shadow that tormented Ilyas ever since his 7th nameday. An apparition, not from here, not from now, as the AuRi used to say in a cryptid way he himself didn’t understand.It's imposing silhouette and chilling orange tinged eyes always found a way to stalk him; in his dreams, in the dark corners of rooms, in between the foliages and tall grasses, in his own shadow. The vision frightened young Ilyas so much that people around him became accustomed to him constantly fleeing.One day, Ilyas flet into the dense canopy surrounding his home city. During this run, Ilyas became unconscious and whether by destiny, unnatural causes or malicious intervention he never saw his home again.From that day forward, Ilyas harbored hatred towards the figure, blaming it in great part for all his misfortunes.

When Ilyas was about to lose his life in Thanalan’s desserts, a group of Amalj'aa happened upon him. When close enough, the child’s shadow grew into a threatening visage, one with fire-ry eyes, large horns and blade-like claws. Believing they were in front of Ifrit, and not Azem, the Amalj’aa rescued Ilyas.
After seven years or so, Ilyas’s tribe had to join ranks with a larger, but also zealous, tribe. One that did not believe Ifrit had been the one to will Ilyas’s presence. Willing to depart ways with his newfound family for their survival, Ilyas bade farewell to them and went on to live among the ul'dahnians.He would have never thought that after joining the Scions he would find himself fighting the very same deity his Amalj’aa clan worshiped. Understanding, with the Sions’s help, that the visage he had in front was but an illusion, he slayed it. But to his despair, he found his old tribe mates among the tempered, and in the heat of a scuffle, he was forced to kill them.Ever since, Ilyas has hated primals. To the Warrior of Light they’re only tolerable under his command, as summons. From which to draw energy, just to further get rid of their existence upon the world.

Haunted by both Azem’s ghastly vision and his unnatural ability his whole life, Ilyas has always thought of himself as such. A monster, a danger only bearable out of convenience. An honorable warrior or a hero to allies at first but there was always a moment, whether it be of anger, cruelty or just the high of battle, in which the fragile savior semblance would be broken.
When he met Zenos, he saw a stark mirror of what he believed himself to be. Defeat against him was not only harsh for the shame of it, or because he had hurt his allies but because losing to him was losing to the part of himself he hated the most. Zenos became an outlet to hate himself.

The Warrior of Light always felt like a kind pantomime, a simple mercenary is the term Ilyas would use to describe himself if he didn't long to believe he was a good man.
Bereft of purpose and true belonging, Ilyas doubted whether joining the Scions had been the right decision, or whether he was worthy of being Eorzea's champion. But perhaps adopting Lyse's battle out of friendship would be enough and when he finally began to believe it... Zenos defeated him.Doubting whether he even deserved to be the Warrior of Light, Ilyas traveled to a sea of green the likes of which he had never seen before. And on the edge of a risk he found an extended hand, the memory of a father's sword collecting dust on a corner and a promise of belonging.